Saturday, August 28, 2010

Galveston daily news

State Farm Insurance policy, the insurance rate for housing for the second time in less than eight months, and increase the effectiveness of the annual rate for Galvestonians by 39.4 percent since this time last year.

This has been going for 7 years now, and either the Galveston Daily News or the voters in Galveston County to do about it? About as much as the rest of the state. None.

It was last week, State Farm raising their prices by 35% in the Dallas area just after sunset and the Texas Commission heard testimony from the Texas Department of Insurance. What do homeowners do about it? Do you see them walking in the streets? Flashlights & Lighting? Write messages? Attend the hearings? No. Instead, it will wait until November to vote for the same person who represents the insurance industry and is funded by insurance companies, Rick Perry. He also said Kay Bailey Hutchison:

Every four years to vote for Rick Perry, then spend the next 3 to wonder why.

Therefore, do us all a favor and leave the whining. The Voice of the People of Texas, Rick Perry for his representation of the insurance industry. He was doing a great job of it. At your expense. So shut up.

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