Saturday, August 28, 2010

Cspan Restoring Hono

If you want to honor Glenn Beck the "Restore" to assemble at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC and can be, but not lucky for you. C-SPAN a majority of Americans, and the report of this long-awaited event live every day from 10 am EDT. The great thing is that if you do not get the string through your cable TV plan, you can simply go to and watch the march live, as was seen Beck well.Glenn on the National Mall today for an appointment with a model prior to the event, authorities say can be more than 200,000 people.

The "Restoring the Pride" rally of half a ton of media attention in recent days. Mainly because they take on the same day and same place and historical events in the Martin Luther King Jr. gave his famous "I Have a Dream" speech.On a separate note, Al Sharpton is a collection of his host called "Reclaim the Dream" in high school, Dunbar in Washington, DC. C-SPAN also appears that the pool during the day.

A majority of the shows at the end of this week, and on Sunday is to focus on the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. "Overthrow this week" in the debate on education, while "nation" in the midterm elections and the party tea focus on the face. In addition, Glenn Beck, FNC C-SPAN "inhonor again from the" Rally at 10 am Eastern Time. And Brian Williams is an exclusive interview with President Obama in New Orleans on Sunday, "Nightly News" for you. Anchors and Williams on the air directly from the new Orleans.w / guest host Brian Williams) is replaced by Brad Pitt and Pierce, Wendell, Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-Los Angeles), the mayor of New Orleans, Mitch Landrieu, WWL Radio New Orleans Garland Robinette, Rice University . A. Douglas Brinkley.

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