Saturday, August 28, 2010

MCA Orientation Programme at SMS Varanasi

College of Administrative Sciences, Varanasi applaud all newly admitted students in the Master of Computer Applications (MCA) with a sense of sympathy in the atmosphere, pink, green quiet endowed to build an architectural miracle. And began the Orientation Programme for MCA students with lightning lamp on the statue of the goddess Saraswati, water and garlanding a statue of her by Mr. Singh, head of BR Guest, the former director, Ispat Industries. The new entrants have been blessed with the words of knowledge, and the process of this transition in the future through the Millennium Challenge Account. The Director of the Institute Professor PN face students newly admitted to the Prophet Allah bless him and encouraged students to strive for academic excellence and personal values and social development. The Professor km Pandey (Professor Emeritus) as issued by the best wishes to the students in this auspicious occasion.

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