We have a lot of rain last week, according to the story of Staff writer James O'Neill's front page on Thursday, this is good.
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Has been renewal of tanks north Jersey, and the sense of several weeks from the wrath of the dry summer, and fears of a potential drought warning, which may be saved. Chances are, I'll have to cut grass again soon, but I will not mind.
I have enjoyed, for one, and the calming effect of continuous rainfall, which, in some respects, a metaphor for the calm before the storm again - be a day of relatively free event by more than kick us back to the fall of the normal procedures, school policy and concern is all about.
Driving to work this week has been amazingly free of stress. There are fewer cars on the road. It seems that almost everyone uses in these last days before the Feast of workers to get one more bit of rest and relaxation before the race starts.
I have taken some comfort, despite the slow pace of a tape containing a combination of criteria Johnny Cash is an old friend gave me many years ago, and decorations of the early fall, away and away and My favorite time of the year.
Run in the rain
Across the street from where I live, and high school football team ready each morning for a long season, a season that will end before most of these young people realize this.
Still older men shouting them in the rhythm, a normal familiar. Bark at them, really, and tell them all what they are doing wrong. I have a lot of respect for coaches in high school, but I wonder whether they are players from the extract still face masks and yell directly into the ear hole. I wonder if there was still no sign of the death wrought, which makes the player called out to pay an assistant coach on the field on a seven-ski.
In another part of my journey everyday I pass another group of young men on the exercise of a football field. It seems they love to run, as it did once, in the good new of a driving rain. There is something exhilarating about it I can not explain, but I envy them at every step, every time I see it - that this energy still, that those young legs.
Finally, I round the company toward a parking lot on the mountain, the upper house, and I have one more to pass a group of committed youth, these unsung heroes in the mountains, and second among the countries of Clifton and Paterson, who pound away on that land with good every morning report fierce Sparta.
Profiles of young people
There is something about the movements of all these people, young people, as they seem insignificant, that gives me a renewed vigor in these last days of August, even as it grows in darker earlier, regardless of weather conditions. I have written dozens of verses about the fall season, but no one moves until the contest is simple youth, and played outside this time of year.
In fact, as far as next season reminds us of death and death, it also reminds us of life and living, and once again being involved in our surroundings, and find the measure of mankind in the ritual is very present.
I hope to enjoy, and be sure to be disappointed by every intrigue and unpredictability can be achieved even in the autumn. This year, however, thanks in part to these profiles of young people fed by the memories of a very strong words, and will taste these last days of summer are well in the darkness of winter jersey.
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