Thursday, November 5, 2009

Rihanna interview with Diane Sawyer

This morning on Good Morning America showed the first snippet of Rihanna interview with Diane Sawyer, the first sit down chat with a reporter since before the February Grammy in the accident that she was assaulted by her then-boyfriend Chris Brown. And it's pretty gripping, if somewhat quease spur - part of the discussion with the lead, and Rihanna talks about how she now feels embarrassed and declined for Brown, which led her back to him in the aftermath of the accident (complete with statistics, citing), and how they decided to the end to break things off with him for good. Part where it says: "Your idea of love" is likely to be the most quoted out of context, but the words surrounding it is, I think, the real message they want to send to young women involved in abusive relationships:
When I realized that my decision to selfish love can result in some being killed a little girl, I can not be easy with this part. I can not be responsible for telling them: "Go back." Even if Chris never hit me again, who's to say that her boyfriend will not, that her boyfriend will not kill these girls? These girls and I did not realize how much I have had an impact on the lives of these girls so what happened ... The wake-up call for me, a big win, especially when I took myself out of the situation and I say that any young girl is going through domestic violence: "I do not come from outside of love. EFF love. Out of the situation, and look to the third person of the truth, and then you decide. because love is so blind. "
It is important to remember through all this, I think that Rihanna is really young but they turned 21 shortly after the incident, and the amount of scrutiny she has to deal with the mind is something on - confusing for me. (I have to wonder if it played any role in the sense of guilt was clear they still feel over the whole thing, with the Patrol is constantly being naked on a monitor in blogging these days.) Anyway, in the interview that is stored temporarily over the next few day, as you might think of something on the way to an awesome Diane Sawyer heralded Rihanna description of what happened nine months ago. I'm now intrigued enough to add to tomorrow night 20/20 DVR to the old, although, as noted Ms. information, if "F love" and become one in the next few weeks, ugh.

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