Thursday, November 5, 2009

Natalie Portman Got Those Letters You Sent

"I was figuring out my own sexual identity, likes and dislikes and all that stuff, and it's weird to be doing stuff on film as you're figuring it out. Also being a sexual object when you're a kid is really uncomfortable. After The Professional, I was already getting creepy letters." —Natalie Portman [V via Contact Music]
"Wes Anderson, the director, wanted the cast to really be together interacting. So he could capture coughing, wheezing, laughing, giggling — anything that would happen between us. He also took us to this farm on a field trip where we ran around and played in the dirt and did all sorts of crazy things. I was like, 'I can't believe my life has come to this moment where I'm on the ground digging with George Clooney.' It was so bizarre and amazing." —Jason Schwartzman on making The Fantastic Mr. Fox [Parade]
"People always think that I’m going to be this little airhead blonde, when I’m actually quite pragmatic and serious. I’m also really funny, or at least I think I’m really funny." —Stevie Nicks [V]
“Starting the SNL process I kinda feel like I might have a heart attack or pass out in the pitch meeting. I’m that excited." —Taylor Swift on hosting this weekend's SNL [Twitter via Showbiz Spy]
"In Alias, I wasn't the action guy. I got the shit beat out of me, got tortured a lot, lost teeth, became a heroin addict, and left after the second season. I was never on the giving end of it. But in The A-Team, I get that chance." —Bradley Cooper [Prestige HK]
"What's important to me is the long haul. It's a strange thing, but sometimes I think that God is somehow fashioning my life so that I stay interested and stay hungry. I played at the Comedy Store for 12 years and got standing ovations every night, but I couldn't find my picture on the wall anywhere. Every comedian but me had their picture up, and yet I was the one they were coming back to see. After having some success, I went back and there's a giant neon picture of my face." —Jim Carrey [Parade]

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